
What skill areas were recommended for improvement


As we mentioned in the unit introduction, at the core of psychology in practice is the use of techniques, strategies, and best practices based on the highest quality research available (APA, 2012). In the discussion preparation study, you selected a topic relevant to your passions and interests in psychology. You also explored the literature relevant to your research question and started building your information literacy skills. Let's share our insights from this important practice. Respond to the following questions:

• *What was your score on the Library Research Skills Final Assessment that you completed in the preparation study? What skill areas were recommended for improvement and what skill areas did you do well on?

•What is your research question?

•What 3 peer-reviewed articles did you find related to your research question? Give a short summary and provide the APA citation for each article.

•What was your final RAILS score? What skill areas were recommended for improvement and what skill areas did you do well on?

•How do you know those articles are peer-reviewed and relevant to your research question?

•Did you find Boolean commands (for example, AND, OR) confusing? What tips would you give others for learning these commands?

•What strategies did you use to locate your articles related to your research question?

• If you had any trouble creating a research question or locating scholarly references, use this discussion to receive support from your peers and instructor to work through your challenges.

• Response Guidelines

• Read your peers' discussion posts and respond to at least two of them. Consider these questions as you formulate your response:

•What suggestions do you have for clarifying or refining your peers' research questions?

•What seems to be the most common reasons knowing an article is peer-reviewed and relevant?

•What useful strategies or resources can you share about locating research that could help your peers?

• Be sure to provide substantive responses to help your peers build on their learning and reference any relevant assigned readings, additional resources, or professional literature to support your response.

• Reference

• American Psychological Association. (2012). What do practicing psychologists do? Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/about-psychologists.aspx

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