1.A water line connects two water supply reservoirs (v = 1.059 x 10^-5 ft2/s). The characteristics of the line are 5,000 ft of steel pipe (e = 0.00015 ft) which has an ellipsoidal cross section (flow area = 4 ft^2; wetted perimeter = 8 ft); three standard elbows (K = 0.9 per elbow); a globe valve (K = 10); and a re-entrant pipe entrance (K = 1). What is the difference in reservoir elevations for 20 cfs?
2.What size galvanized iron pipe (e=0.0005ft) is required to carry a flow of 5 cfs of water at 60 degrees F (v=1.217X10^-5) without exceeding a head loss of 5.0 ft/100ft of pipe?