
What similarities or parallels can you find between the ngo

Hmongand schooling


1.What similarities or parallels can you find between the Ngo and Lee article and either the Margolis book Stuck in the Shallow Endor the filmPrecious Knowledge? List twosimilarities and explain with examples.Write 4-5 sentences

2. In the Xaykaothao article, Robert Mielke, the mayor of Wausau,is quoted as saying "When the Hmong came here in 1976, it was a transition... But the neat thing about the Hmong-and Laotians and Cambodians-these people worked hard. They worked hard to assimilate." What are some examples of assimilationfrom this article? What does it mean to "work hard to assimilate"? How does this relate to essentialist or reified representations of culture (from Taylor last week)?Write 4-6 sentences

3. What part of the radio program stood out to you the most? Why did you have this reaction? Write 3-5 sentences.

Required reading/listening:

Ngo, B. and Lee, S. (2007) Complicating the Image of Model Minority Success: A Review of Southeast Asian American Education. Review of Educational Research. 77, 4: 415-453. NOTE: you may skim the Cambodian American and Lao American sections on pages 432-439

Xaykaothao, D. (2016) To Be Both Midwestern and Hmong. The Atlantic. 06/03/2016.

Listentoaudioprogramme (33 minutes): The Larry Meiller Show July 3, 2012. Interview with Vincent Her, author or Hmong and American: From Refugees to Citizens

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