
What significant problems are discussed in this articlewhat

1. What significant problems are discussed in this article?

2. What are some possible solutions to these problems?

Respond to classmates answers and questions:

3. The first problem that bothers be was the fact that people die in jails and they aren't reported or even recorded sometimes. I believe that is unacceptable. They might be criminals but they are still human beings. They are mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters to somebody.

Not recording deaths seems like they are trying to cover it up. In order to fix this problem, I believe that it should be mandatory that all deaths be reported and an autopsy done. The autopsy will be able to tell what the cause of death was. Jails and prisons need to be more transparent with the deaths of people.

4. I found out last year that there were inmates dying in jails and under the hands of some of the officers. I have seen recorded footage that shocked and very upset. I never thought I would see such actions or behavior by people who are supposed to protect the inmates. The sad part was there were two nurses that were present but failed to say anything in the change they had already seen in the inmate before transporting the female to a van.

It was horrible. In this reading there were issues of covering up information and the amount of deaths in jails, there was the issue of watching the inmates closely after being processed and placed into cells. There was the issue of how often the dispatcher was to check on the inmate through surveillance. The issue of not communicating and listening to the inmate state some of their mental issues and being considerate of their needs.

I think there should be training required of all police officers and guards on mental health issues and signs to look for in the individual, they should be required to put forth the effort of having interest enough to find out the mental state a person is in. They should be taught and trained what to look for, how to go about looking for addict and mental issues and how to ask particular questions in order to find the right answers. I also think that facilities should be required to report every death and the original paper work behind that inmate's death and not what they want to be known. Covering up is fraud to me.

Surveillance should be an on hands deal no matter what because a surveillance watch is only good for recording physically what the inmate did up to the moment of death but if officers or personnel is going in and talking and communicating with the inmates making them feel that even though they are behind bars, we still care about you as a human being and your needs. Then they would also be able to learn and see where that individual inmates level of mental has risen or fallen to. I am glad the new form was put into effect as of 2015 and that the suicidal numbers dropped according to the information they were able to gather.

5. I have to agree with all your words posted. Unfortunately, some deaths are not reported or recorded as it makes the inmates being treated different. We are all human beings, some of us made good choices and other decided to take the wrong way and ended up behind bars but it dies not mean just because they committed crimes they need to be treated differently.

There is still a lack of listening and communication between guards, officers and inmates and this should be solved by putting a mandatory training for officers and guards in case something serious happen there know how to act and help. There should be more surveillance inside the jails and prisons so this way every death that happens will be able to be tracked, recorded and reported.

6. Many jail inmates are awaiting disposition of their cases. Perhaps they cannot afford to post bail. What are some potential consequences of spending only a few weeks in jail?

7. This video offers a rather graphic illustration of life inside one fo the largest jails in America - the Santa Rita, CA, Jail. After viewing this video, please post your thoughts and opinions. What did you learn about how a jail operates? What are some of the problems in this jail?

8. How people who are in need of corrections must learn how to behave and act in today's society. This is much the same concept that starts in the home for children. As we grow, we learn the boundaries of what is acceptable and what is absolutely unacceptable. Now, as we know, not every child is raised or treated the same, even within the same household with the same parental units.

This can create a lot of confusion once this child reaches adulthood and is unable to cope with society at large. This is a big part of where corrections can, and will, come in and help to change the unwanted behavior of that individual. Of course, there are cases where the person knows better, however they simply do not wish to be behave better. Class, do you think that individuals in these types of cases should be treated differently?

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