What significance persecution play in luke narrative

Problem 1: What would have someone expected or anticipated to have happened immediately after Jesus' ascension and His insinuation that the disciples would be His witnesses?  Instead of seeing them "on the street" for the Kingdom, what do the disciples do?  Why would you feel this is either a distraction OR a faithful act of His immediate followers? 

Problem 2: In the book of Acts, we read about one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit...the gift of tongues. OK...Let's talk! Do you feel that the gift of tongues is "real"?  If not, why not?  If it is "real", is it for today? If so, what is its purpose? Have you ever heard the gift of tongues?  You might want to google "the gift of tongues" and see what the internet is talking about...even see the Wikipedia definition.  You'll find out some interesting information.  Was the use of tongues in Acts 2 the same as that of 1 Corinthians 12-14? Explain your answer briefly. I can't wait to read what you're thinking about this!

Problem 3: The role of Persecution in the early Jesus following movement.  What significance does persecution play in Luke's narrative?  Since persecution was a part of their story, what were the implications?  IF persecution had NOT been a part of their story, what could have been the result?  

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