
What should the united states role be in human trafficking


Read the below listed article, The 21st-Century Slave Trade,

(Be sure to address ALL items.)

A. What is human trafficking? (Official definitions. Use sources such as the FBI, DOJ, DEA, etc.)
B. How pervasive is the problem? (Use statistics.)
C. What should the United States' role, including law enforcement, be in human trafficking?
D. Do you consider this case to be "slavery" or do you believe that is hyperbole?
E. What should the United States' role be in human trafficking outside of the U.S.A., if any?
F. Should the U.S. get involved in other countries' affairs (such as India)? Explain. (If "yes," what should they do?) (If "no," why not?)
G. This incident happened in 2007, have things improved?
H. Final thoughts.

The 21st Century Slave Trade

Kristof, N. (2007, April 22). The 21st-century slave trade. The New York Times.

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