1. Arthur Torno of American Airlines indicated that one of the major trends in the global airline industry during the past decade has been consolidation, mainly through mergers and acquisitions. What are the forces and factors driving this and where do you believe the industry will be in 5 years due to this consolidation?
2. What should the growth strategies be of both large airlines (United, Delta, AA, British Air) and smaller carriers (Spirit, Ryanair)? What are the key components of a winning strategy for both size carrier?
3. What are the various systems in supply chain management to reduce costs, speed delivery and boost productivity? Give 3-5 detailed examples.
4. What are the most important trends in global supply chain management that will shape the business environment over the next decade? Choose one, in detail, and make your argument and give examples.
5. According to the CEO of Pinta, companies are no longer in control of their own brand? Please explain this, justify the statement and give several examples. Also speculate as to where this will lead to for companies in the future?
6. What are the essentials of developing and embracing a multicultural communication strategy---one aimed at various groups and diverse subgroups within a main group (e.g., millennial Latins or Asians within their respective ethnic groups)?
7. Hewlett-Packard plans to split into two companies. Provide the pro and con arguments for this action on the part of the firm and make the case as to why you believe the split is or is not the right thing for the company to do.
8. How is technology in general providing both commercial customers or consumers (you choose) with cost-effective, affordable, cutting edge tools to meet their needs? Who are HP's main competitors and pick one and determine why HP will or will not remain a leader in the segment of the market.