
What should the criteria be for an offender to be sentenced


What should the criteria be for an offender to be sentenced to probation? Perhaps the most obvious answer is non-violent offenders and those in need of treatment (such as addicts or those whose crimes are brought on by a treatable mental instability). But this only considers the needs of the offender. Things may be different when thinking about it from the perspective of the local community. For example, local residents might argue that drug offenders are not be a good choice for community corrections because they tend to be high-recidivism offenders whose presence has a destabilizing effect on the daily life of a neighborhood. In answering, try to consider not only the needs of the offender, but also the needs of other stakeholders- people and groups who have a stake in the outcome.

Agree or Disagree with my answer below?

I believe that a first time offender should likely be sentenced to probation of course depending on what he/she has done. When committing violent crimes this can be difficult as well because in some cases people commit violent crime because they are defending themselves or a family member. For example, if someone has killed another person because they were protecting themselves or their family I don't believe they should be treated as someone who killed someone for their own personal reason.

I believe that probation is an opportunity for an individual to have another opportunity to turn their life around. Unfortunately, there are many cases where people who continue to reoffend and continue to break the law whether it be violent or non violent do not deserve the opportunity to remain in society. Although, many drug offenders should be given the opportunity at some type of rehabilitation center some of them either refuse or just can't seem to stop break their habit. Overall, a strongly feel that for a offender to be sentenced to probation he/she should be a non violent or first time offender.

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