Understanding Title IX and Its Application - Discussion 1
Explain whether Title IX applies to all schools, colleges, universities, and athletic programs. Are there any exceptions to Title IX applications? How can a school (college or university) make sure it complies with Title IX? Support your position with examples.
Guided Response: Analyze and respond to at least two of your classmates' postings. Do you agree with their conclusions? Explain why or why not.
Below is a great website full of information on Title IX. Please review and comment.
Managing Potential Risks - Discussion 2
What should schools (colleges or universities) do to prevent and manage the potential risk of sexual harassment conduct by a coach towards an athlete or sexual harassment conduct by one athlete towards another athlete?
Guided Response: Analyze and respond to at least two of your classmates' postings. Do you agree with their conclusions? Explain why or why not.
Below is a article on sexual harassment in sports. Please review and comment.