
What should he say to kenny and norton to ensure

Human Resource Management Assignment: CASE STUDY

Tony has been director of human resourcesat TEAM FUN! A sporting goods manufacturer and retailer, for three months. He isconstantly amazed that the company does sowell, considering that everything is so loose.

Nothing is documented about job roles andresponsibilities. People apparently have been hired becauseKenny and Norton, the owners and founders, liked them or theirrelatives.

Tony is lunching with Mary, a friend from college whonow manages the human resource function for a large financial investor. Tony tells Mary, "I don't know if I should quit or what.They both got mad at me last week when I suggested smart cardsfor security. The employee handbook looks like a scrapbookfrom their kids' high school football days . . . no, theirhigh school football days. No one has job descriptions. I don't get it.

Everyone likes working there. The job does get done. Am I the one with the problem?"

Mary replies, "Couldn't be you! It does sound like a greatplace to work. Has it grown fast in the past few years?"

"Unbelievably," Tony says. "It had 25 employees 5 years ago,now we have nearly 150."

"That's probably part of it," Mary answers. "Remember howDr. Smith said in his class that you could get by without a formalhuman resource structure up to about 100 employees?"

"Yeah. That was a great class! I met my wife in that class! Wedid lots of team exercises and projects," Tony sighs.

Mary nods. "Anyway, maybe you could begin with writing your own job description. That would be a start."

"Then I could talk about formal job evaluation processes."

Tony cheers up. "That's a great idea. Have you used QUICKHR,the new software tool?"

Mary shakes her head. "No, but a package is a good idea. What'syour current HRIS like?" Tony laughs until he can't catch his breath.

Mary continues, "Okay. That's another place you could start."


1. Help Tony write his job description.
2. How should he conduct the job analysis?
3. What should he say to Kenny and Norton to ensure theirbuy-in on this project?
4. How will job descriptions change the organization?

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HR Management: What should he say to kenny and norton to ensure
Reference No:- TGS02487315

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