What should he do now that he cannot reconstruct his day


Video Case Study I:

Watch through video to the narrator's questions. Answer the following:

1) What should Judy have done to avoid this problem?

2) How could she help the lawyer out and keep her time billable?

Watch the second clip on this video (Judy's experience with Dante), and answer the following:

1) What should Judy do with the five hours she spent looking for the information?

2) Do you think it was "wasted time?"

3) Who decides what is ultimately billed to the client?

4) What is your role, as a paralegal, in client billing?

Video Case Study II:

Watch all the way through video. Answer the following:

1) If you are already a working paralegal/legal assistant, can you relate to Dante's conundrum? If you are not currently working in the legal field, do you see this as a potential situation with which you might be faced?

2) What rule is Dante breaking?

3) What should Dante be doing to prevent this problem?

4) What should he do now that he cannot reconstruct his day?

5) What would be fair for his clients?

Video Case Study III:

Watch the first 10 seconds of video and then pause. Answer the following:

• Did you see anything that Attorney Saunders did wrong? If so, what?

Watch the rest of the video.

1) Do you think Alicia repaired the error Saunders made?

2) What's the difference between Alicia's ethical duties and Mr. Saunders' here?

3) Alicia gives the client her business card. Is that UPL or misrepresentation?

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: What should he do now that he cannot reconstruct his day
Reference No:- TGS03168586

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