
What should community be doing to prevent genocide in future


Approximate length: 1250 to 1500 words For the final paper, you will have to answer the question: What should the international community be doing to prevent genocide in the future? Your paper should reflect what you have learned about genocides in the past, including historical facts about previous genocides. You should also read Chapter, Strategies of Intervention and Prevention, in Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction by Adam Jones There are no right or wrong answers. Rather, you should strive to craft prevention strategie(s) that is/are logical and persuasive. Make sure you have an introduction, body paragraphs with specific evidence and a conclusion. Write your paper in a clear and concise manner, using formal language (writing style is different than speaking style).

Recommended Structure

1. Introduction: What values and interests should guide the international community policy concerning genocide

2. Policies: What policies should the international community pursue to put these values into action? Explain specific policies that should be put into place and the specific impact you hope that they will have.

3. Supporting Evidence: In justifying the policies you would put in place give at least 2 arguments supporting the policy. Each argument should use historical facts and references. You should have in-depth references to at least 2 historical genocides. Do not just mention. Use class sources carefully and provide factual information.

4. Combatting Counterarguments: Explain 2 arguments that can be made against your option. Provide counterarguments to each of the arguments made using specific historical evidence.

Responses should be typed and double-spaced.

When giving historical references make sure to use specific names and dates, and descriptions of events from class sources. Be specific!

Do not just give me your opinion. Create an argument based on class readings and logical analysis.

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History: What should community be doing to prevent genocide in future
Reference No:- TGS03180453

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