What should be the responsibility of the quality department

Case study - Hank Kolb, Director, Quality Assurance

Operation Management Case

The first step is to summarize the situation of the case (company background, product briefs and organization). The second step is to get a full discussion of what the students think the problems are. In placing these on the templates (or tables). The operation causes are on the right in the middle, the product and purchasing cause on the left and so on. Then students would learn the framework (or the tool) of the cause effect analysis (i.e., Fishbone Diagram). During the discussion and the analysis, students should keep in mind the key questionnaire.

- What are the causes of the quality problems on the Greasex line?

- Why was Hank hired?

- What should be the responsibility of the Quality Department for the Greasex product?

- What is wrong in the way quality is managed in this company?

- What should be done to improve quality management?

- What should Hank do?

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: What should be the responsibility of the quality department
Reference No:- TGS02273773

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