
What should be raised under child protection guidelines

Assignment task: Read the scenarios and choose the scenario that best relates to your work placement context. Imagine that this is occurring in the workplace that you are in right now and that you are an educator/teacher in that service.

Choose and respond to one scenario only

Case Study Scenario 1: Early Childhood (0-5 years)

Jarrad (8 months) has been attending your service 4 days per week since 5 months old. Jarrad has generally settled in well, although you are aware that Jarrad's parents now appear very stressed and distracted.

You have noticed that for the past 3 drop offs, Jarrad has come to care without nappies, bottles and / or formula. Today, at drop off, you make a note of checking Jarrad's bag before the child's mother leaves and notice that again, there is no nappies and only one feed of formula packed for the day. When you ask the mother if Jarrad has nappies and more formula, they comment that we "run out again" and doesn't get paid until Wednesday. When you check the sign in book as the mother's leaving you note Jarrad hasn't had breakfast today yet either. Jarrad is clearly hungry, and you head to the kitchen to make up some cereal.

1. Do you believe there is a concern that should be raised under child protection guidelines? What indicators support your concern? Write 30 - 100 words. Need Assignment Help?

2. Refer to the Workplace policies of the service you are in, then answer the following questions:

  • Record the name of the policy you would refer to for guidance on child protection situations, and describe where it is stored
  • According to this policy, record what you believe are the next steps that should be followed if raising this as a child protection concern (approx. 5 steps, although will depend on service policy).
  • According to this policy, describe how you would maintain confidentiality when supporting the protection of this child

3. Discuss your responses (Q's 3.1 - 3.3) with a Workplace Supervisor.

Discuss your responses to Q1-3 with a workplace supervisor. Reflect on this discussion. Describe if your steps are the same as those that the Supervisor would take if this event happened in this service. Note any differences in your response to that of your supervisor.

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Other Subject: What should be raised under child protection guidelines
Reference No:- TGS03449907

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