
What should be done if anything to facebook


The narrator of the PBS documentary states, "As he has since the beginning, he sees Facebook, his invention, not as part of the problem, but the solution." Zuckerberg said the following in his April 2018 keynote:

"So if you believe, like I do, that giving people a voice is important, that building relationships is important, that creating a sense of community is important, and that doing the hard work of trying to bring the world closer together is important, then I say this: We will keep building."

What should be done, if anything to Facebook? Is it a technology platform that requires no oversight in allowing its users the opportunity to share and connect? Or is it a media company that needs some monitoring in the content that it might not create but that it shares, and therefore, it disseminates? Or is it something else? What is your takeaway on Facebook? What are your thoughts on the responsibility of social media entities like Facebook?

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