
What should be considered when developing work plans


A. Why does a team leader develop and implement work plans?
B. What should be considered when developing work plans?
C. How do mission and philosophy statements relate to work plans?
D. Why should individual staff members be consulted when developing a staff roster?
E. Identify potential planning problems, barriers and constraints that may affect the development of work plans.
F. Consider the barriers you identified above. Develop at least one strategy to address these issues.
G. What is protected information?
H. Provide three examples of 'protected information' that you might access in your workplace.
I. As team leaders or managers, what is your role in determining future staffing requirement?
J. List the management practices that contribute to effective employee and human resource management.
K. What is the responsibility of the recruitment and selection committee?
L. Research the Australian Government Fair Work Ombudsman website and any modern awards associated with your industry.

Make notes about the key aspects applicable to the recruitment process including knowledge of the National Employment Standards.

A. What is induction?
B. Research the induction/orientation process at your workplace; provide a list of topics covered in this process.
C. What is the role of a workplace mentor or buddy?
D. How can support be continued after the orientation process?
E. What information is shared between services to support clients?
F. Research your workplace and make a list of collaborating services.

Effective Work Practice / Staffing Process.

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Business Management: What should be considered when developing work plans
Reference No:- TGS03311135

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