
What should bart do with the situation


Critical Incidents in Teaching

Addressing a Student Behavior Issue

Bart Weintraub was a special education teacher with 2 years of teaching experience. In his third year, he was newly assigned to a high school class of students primarily with mild intellectual disabilities. Four of the students were at the lower end of the continuum with respect to their functioning. Larry was one of the most challenged, was minimally articulate, and was diagnosed as autistic.

Bart's biggest challenge was the principal, Mr. Giffords, an older, polite, and professional individual who clearly did not want a special needs class in his school. While he had no choice in the matter, Mr. Giffords had made his discomfort clear to Ms. Ferguson, an old friend and the district director of special education. Ms. Ferguson had selected Bart for this position and had advised him about Mr. Giffords's negative attitudes about special education, advising him to be very prudent with interactions with the principal. She told Bart to call her anytime he had concerns.

One day Bart returned from lunch early to find Larry with Margie, the most intellectually and socially challenged of the girls in the class. Margie was backed up against the back wall of the classroom with a frightened look on her face. Larry was right up against her. His belt and the top button of his trousers were undone. As soon as Larry saw Bart, with a frightened look on his face, he quickly backed away from Margie and fastened his button and his belt. Bart asked Margie if she had been injured, and she quickly replied, "No." Neither of the students said anything. Both looked frightened, for being discovered and for any possible consequences.


A. What should Bart do with the situation?

B. What will be the consequences for Larry and for the special education program in the school?

C. What are the likely consequences of informing Mr. Giffords of the situation, and what are the possible consequences of failing to do so?

D. What if anything can Ms. Ferguson, the director of special education, do to mitigate the situation?

E. What considerations should there be in contacting the parents of these two students?

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English: What should bart do with the situation
Reference No:- TGS03314535

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