
What services does the agency offer

Discuss the below:

Select one agency in which you would like to be employed. This agency needs be one of the six included.. The agency you select in this assignment will be your selected agency for the final project.

Response the below:

1. What is the agency you selected, and what is your rationale for choosing this particular agency?

2. What other agencies did you consider, and why did you not select them?

3. Why would you like to be employed at this agency?

4. What services does the agency offer?

5. What types of professionals work at the agency?

PEOPLE U MAY KNOW friends, family, or acquaintances who have sought out services. , address the following questions: What individuals and groups might meet with a human services professional? Why might they seek help? how might you build a professional relationship with them so that they will talk about their problem?

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Other Subject: What services does the agency offer
Reference No:- TGS01785051

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