What services does ben require

Case Study: Ben

Ben is an 18-year-old single male who was born in Melbourne, where he still lives with his mother. His Dad works out of town and is only home on the weekends.

When Ben's father is home on the weekend he just drinks and watches the football and cricket games on TV. When he gets drunk he yells at his wife and throws things around the house. When he drinks, Ben's father gets angry. Ben's Mum also drinks and when they both get drunk they fight. The police have been called to the house several times.

Ben started drinking and smoking when he was in Year 8. He doesn't like school, because all the kids are talking about is high school and the classes they take, and what they are going to do when they finish school, whereas, he is just trying to figure out where he is going to get money for his next pack of cigarettes. Now he smokes about a pack a day, plus a couple of joints too.

Ben has a cup of coffee in the morning before school. At night he drinks a few beers plus a few shots of vodka. On the weekends he is always partying. Ben says he has played around with lots of stuff - trying to see what's out there. He has tried pot, coke, mescaline, XTC, mushrooms. He says he has even shot up a few times, but doesn't think it's a big deal.

"When I'm partying, I like to mix things up a bit. Maybe do some tequila and mushrooms, depends on what's going on and who's around. If I drink too much I blackout. I've even OD'd a few times. But, hey, it wasn't any big deal or nothing. I do like speed though. If any drug is my favourite, aside from cigarettes and coffee, it'd be speed."

When Ben was eight his parents took him to see a doctor because they said he was out of control. The doctor diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder and gave Ben Ritalin. According to Ben, that helped a little but now, except for "partying", he doesn't take any medication.

Provide preparation notes for Ben for a Role Play Interview.

Question 1: What services does Ben require? List the services in order of priority and explain how these services may be combined and why you made your choices.

Question 2: Which of the identified service/s would require you to refer Ben to another professional? Describe the process of referral that is involved.

Question 3: Explain how you would go about following up Ben's referral/s through monitoring and reviewing.

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