
What services do the hotel provide the focus here should be

Do research on "DUSIT THANI HOTEL" (IN BANGKOK) Please look at the outline below for the research 1250 words In the essay, you just put sub-heading that I have given you in the outline.

1. Overview

2. Service Concept

3. Customer and supplier relations

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

5. Service process

6. Resource Utilization

7. Service strategy 8. Service culture

9. Compare competitive advantages, distinctive capabilities, strategy fit with their market

* Reference list in APA format DUSIT THANI HOTEL IN BANGKOK Overview

1. Write a Paragraph "executive summary" about the hotel (It is important to do an executive summary of your whole Project).

2. What is the Mission? What is the Vision? Both are helpful in providing a context for the whole Project. Service concept

3. What is it? Yes, explain for each hotel. Customer and supplier relations.

4. Who are their customers Yes! Customers and supplier relationships.

i. Internally

ii. Externally CRM.

5. What services do the hotel provide? The focus here should be on Service Strategy, culture, and customer relationship management (CRM). Service process

6. What is the service process? Yes!

a. Process

i. Back office

ii. front office (remember customer plays a role here!) Resource utilization


a) Inputs Focus is on resource utilization.

b) Outputs Focus is on resource utilization. Service strategy.

9. What is their corporate/business strategy? Focus on Service Strategy. Service Culture.

10. What are the outcomes of these services culture?

a. Outputs

b. Values - Culture!

c. Experiences Compare competitive advantages, distinctive capabilities, strategy fit with their market.

11. Do they have a Competitive Advantage? What is their distinctive capabilities and Strategic fit with their market?

12. Would you say they think global and act local? What is their distinctive capabilities and Strategic fit with their market?

a. Why?

b. Why not?

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Other Subject: What services do the hotel provide the focus here should be
Reference No:- TGS01130120

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