RE: Lockyer, Attorney General of California v. Andrade
Do you believe 25 years to life is "grossly disproportionate" to Leandro Andrade's crime? How do you know whether it is or isn't?
Should be working on your projects (PowerPoint/paper) and studying for the final exam
RE: Gall v. U.S.
If you were the trial judge, what sentence would you have imposed? Explain how your answer upholds the criminal procedure ideal of proportionality (Chapter 1).
RE: McQuiggin v. Perkins
Does Justice Scalia have a point when he writes: "It would be marvelously inspiring to be able to boast that we have a criminal justice system in which a claim of 'actual innocence' will always be heard, no matter how late it is brought forward, and no matter how much the failure to bring it forward at the proper time is the defendant's own fault. I suspect it is this vision of perfect justice through abundant procedure that impels the Court today. Of course, we do not have such a system, and no society unwilling to devote unlimited resources to repetitive criminal litigation ever could."? Explain your answer.