
What sentence should andy receive

Assignment task: Andy is a 16-year-old who lives with his parents. His father is a very strong man with a bad temper. He physically abuses Andy and especially Andy's mother. This abuse has been going on for all of Andy's life. He is an only child and no one outside of the family seems to be aware of it.

One day Andy's father got into an especially violent argument with his mother and threw an unplugged iron at her head. The force of the blow knocked Andy's mother unconscious. Andy's father left the house angrily as Andy tended to his mother. After reviving her and providing an ice pack for her head, Andy led his mother to her bedroom so she could lie down. He then grabbed a rolling pin from the kitchen and waited by the front door.

An hour later Andy's father returned. Andy came up behind him and smashed him on the back of the head with the rolling pin. Andy continued to hit his father with the rolling pin for the next several minutes and killed him in the process. After he was arrested, Andy was charged with first-degree murder. The Crown attorney wants him tried as an adult.

In your opinion, what sentence should Andy receive?

 Support your answers with 2 relevant cases.

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Other Subject: What sentence should andy receive
Reference No:- TGS03301439

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