An instructor at the state college recoded the academic major for each students in a psychology class and obtained the following results
Psych, Bio, soc, engl, psych,
Health, Phy Ed, Psych, art, Psych,
Soc, health, Psych, Phy Ed, soc,
Hist, psych, art, health, psych,
Nurs, soc, psych, psych, pol sci.
a)construct a frequency distribution table for these data
b)what type of graph would be appropriate to show the frequency distribution for these data?
2) For the following set of scores
a) construct a frequency distribution table
b) sketch a polygon showing the distribution
c) describe the distribution using the following characteristics
1. what is the shape of the distribution
2. what score best identifies the center (average) for the distribution
3. are the score clustered together? Or they spread out across the scale?