
What satire suggest is preferable to whatever is criticized


Choose three examples of satire that you will analyze for Paper Two. These choices can be videos, cartoon images, and/or articles (NOT memes). Be sure that the satires have a common theme (politics, education, poverty, fashion, family life, pop culture, social media, historical events, etc.). If you use items from class discussions, you can only use ONE of them; the second and third must be your own choice. (You can choose all of them on your own if you wish.) A Works Cited and in-text/parenthetical citations will obviously be required as well.

In your paper, use the questions from class to analyze each example of satire and to develop each body paragraph. The questions are relisted below:

A. What does the satire ridicule? What/Who are its targets?

B. What does the satire suggest is preferable to whatever is criticized?

C. Consider the terms ethos, pathos, logos ¸ and kairos from earlier discussion. Can you identify an examples of each from the video, image, or article? How does the argumentative appeal function in the meme, article, or video to make an overall point?

D. What satirical techniques (irony, sarcasm, parody, exaggeration, etc.) does the satirist use to convey his or her ridicule?

E. To what extent is the satirist justified in attacking his target? How successful is the satire?

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English: What satire suggest is preferable to whatever is criticized
Reference No:- TGS03236550

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