
What roles do you believe gender race andor economic class


Respond to each of the following questions with a substantial paragraph (approx. 1/4 of a double-spaced page, Times New Roman, 12 point font). Ultimately, you should produce about a half-page of text.

1. How do you respond to Henrietta's story, specifically how she was treated by the medical and scientific world? What roles do you believe gender, race, and/or economic class played in what happened, if any? Explain your reaction thoroughly.

2. Debates like this may become more common in the near future, given advances in medicine and science. In the end, what do you feel should take priority in cases like this: the rights of the family or the potential benefits and discoveries of science and medicine?

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Dissertation: What roles do you believe gender race andor economic class
Reference No:- TGS02496103

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