
What roles do men and women play in the household chores

Your task in this assignment is to look at one of your favorite network or cable shows and discuss the view of the family and gender roles that may be created from the show.

After you have completed the reading and learn about the family, complete this assignment:Describe and discuss your favorite show and how it depicts the family, marriage, and gender roles.

Be sure to give specific examples from the show and the characters so that anyone who has never seen the show can fully understand your views and comments.

Is the family depicted as what is considered traditonal, why or why not? Single parent household?

Nuclear or extended? Stepfamilies or blended families? Is it a patriarchal, matriarchal, or egalitarian family?

What roles do men and women play in the family? What roles do children play?

What roles do men and women play in the household chores and income earning? Who takes the responsibility for child rearing?

Who does inside chores and who does outside chores?What about Marriage? Is marriage or divorce depicted? What about cohabitation?

Are there heterosexual or homosexual relationships? Are the relationships depicted as monogamy, serial monogamy, polygamy or polyandry?

Write your answer as one 3-5 paragraph essay.

Your essay should be at least 500 words and appropriately have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

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Other Subject: What roles do men and women play in the household chores
Reference No:- TGS02525720

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