
What roles can and should the private sector play


A. Consider you own circumstances as a citizen (presume you are a citizen even if you are not) protected by First Amendment freedoms. What primary sources and means do you use to access, gather, and share/communicate information, ideas and opinions? Be honest and specific, and be sure to include any online sources. Do you believe you are well-informed about current events and issues? Why or why not? Identify some sources you trust, and don't trust. (Please note that I don't care where you lie in the political spectrum, but I do care about well-informed, clear writing.)

B. What roles can and should governments and government institutions in the U.S. play in the removal or restriction of content involving misleading, hateful speech/information, especially in the digital world? Give specific examples and cite sources in the body of the memo.

C. What roles can and should the private sector, especially social media platforms such as Facebook, play in the removal or restriction of content involving misleading, hateful information in their platform? Give specific examples and cite sources.

D. There are many examples of university students who have shouted down university-invited guest speakers with whom they disagree. Find a published example and summarize what happened (cite your source). Do you believe this was an appropriate response? Why or why not? Consider pros, cons, and potential First Amendment concerns.

E. Overall, do you believe the internet and technological developments described in the background section (and perhaps within your own answers to these questions) strengthen or weaken public discourse and democratic processes? Provide some justification.

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Computer Network Security: What roles can and should the private sector play
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