
What roles are you considering in your career future what

Exploring IT Assignment- Professional Preparation Document/Website

Achieves unit learning outcome: ULO1 - through student ability to demonstrate knowledge of professional IT practices.


In this assessment you will prepare a website using WordPress and a Deakin Talent profile that presents your career aspirations, plan for career development, and understanding of the skills required for your chosen career. This assessment also asks you to present a picture of your future career, exploring roles you would like to consider. You will be supported in exploring these concepts through module 1 and 2 of this unit, please refer to the modules for further activities that support exploring your career.

What you need to do:

1. Create a WordPress website

Each students in SIT124 has been provided with the ability to set up a base WordPress site to start their assessment 1. When creating your WordPress website, we suggest template TwentySeventeen. It should look like this: https://sit124exploringit.azurewebsites.net/. Further information on how to set-up and use your WordPress website is included in the module 1 and the readings section of this unit.

Steps 2 and 3 (below) will be presented within your WordPress website and submitted together to meet the assessment requirements.

2. Create a DeakinTalentCONNECT Profile

Along with setting up a WordPress website, for this assessment you also need to create a DeakinTalentCONNECT Profile. To evidence you have a DeakinTalentConnect profile, you will include a screen shot of it on your WordPress website. Further information on how to set-up and use DeakinTalentCONNECT is included in module 1 of this unit.

3. Reporting on career aspirations, skills and supporting experiences

In module 2 you completed an activity that asked you to complete a skills audit and identify experience that will support your career. Using this activity, please address the following sections within your WordPress website. The base TwentySeventeen template as suggested in ‘Create a WordPress Website' above provides you with a simple structure to get you started.

1. An introduction of yourself and your career aspirations and career interest.

2. Provide a summary of your skills audit, indicate your current key skills.

3. A screen shot of your DeakinTalentCONNECT profile, with a brief statement about which employers and communities you have chosen to connect with and why. For example, you could discuss what you have learnt from a prospective employer's profile site that matches your interest, skills and career values and which communities are of interest to you. You are expected to reflect on both industry- and activity-based communities and should mention whether employers are of interest for internships, graduate positions or beyond (see module 2 if you are unsure how to connect to communities on DeakinTalenCONNECT).

4. A short video that describes how you would like to support your career development, (see information below to help you prepare).

5. A timeline of career development experience: what resources will you use to help you career development, what units do you plan to take as part of your degree? (see module 2 if you are unsure how to connect to prepare your timeline).

6. References: Presented in Harvard style, evidence of research about the selected experiences, this might include links to prospective internship positions, summer programs, links with details on information sessions etc. Further resources on referencing in Harvard style can be found in the readings section of this unit.

Career Video

Prepare a short video (5 minutes maximum) that describes your career aspirations, skill needs and career development plan. The video does not need to have a high production level, rather effort should be focused on addressing the elements below in a professional manner. It is preferred that the video be recording in a talking-head style.

Your career video need to include the following elements:

1. An introduction, who are you?

2. What is this website for? How did you create it?

3. An outline of your career aspirations. What is your career interest?

4. What roles are you considering in your career future? What skills do you need to complete these roles (refer to your skills audit completed in module 2)?

5. A brief discussion of which type of experiences (school, faculty, university or external opportunities) you could incorporate into the timeline of your degree and why these would support your career development. What activities will you undertaken to help you fill the gap in your skills (as explored through your skills audit - module 2).

6. A conclusion about your career development plans in brief. Please make sure to be specific on how this can be used best for your personal circumstances.


Submit the following:

• The URL of your website

• A PDF of each page of your website - which will provide a record of website on date of submission.

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Computer Engineering: What roles are you considering in your career future what
Reference No:- TGS02714470

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