
What role should theory play in our research some eg

Assignment: Research Design Essay

For this assignment, you will write an academic essay on a specific topic, which concerns an important research design controversy. Everyone will write their essay on the same topic, so that you will have two weeks to complete the essay.

However, in recognition of the fact that you have other commitments and demands on your time, I will tell you now that the selected topic will be one of the following three. You thus have the entire semester to develop your thoughts on these issues (doing so will also be good for your development as a researcher, so the exercise serves two purposes). The final essay topic will be one of the following

1. What is the relationship between quantitative and qualitative research methods? Some people have argued that they are epistemologically incompatible, while others have argued that methods need not imply specific epistemologies. For useful discussion see Bryman (1984) and Firestone (1987). What do you think? Why?

2. Read Anonymous (2015) and consider your position on the issue of post hoc theorizing, which is a very important and current controversy in social science research. What is your opinion on the matter? Why?

3. What role should theory play in our research? Some (e.g., Scharwz & Stensaker, 2014) argue that theory is limiting the quality and scope of our research, while others (e.g., Suddaby, 2014) argue that theory is the most important part of the research endeavour. What do you think? Why?

Anonymous. (2015). The case of the hypothesis that never was; uncovering the deceptive use of post hoc hypotheses. Journal of Management Inquiry, 24, 214-216.

Bryman, A. (1984). The debate about quantitative and qualitative research: a question of method or epistemology? British Journal of Sociology, 35, 75-92.

Firestone, W. A. (1987). Meaning in method: The rhetoric of quantitative and qualitative research. Educational Researcher, 16, 16-21.

Schwarz, G., & Stensaker, I. (2014). Time to take off the theoretical straightjacket and (re-)introduce phenomenon-driven research. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 50, 478-501.

Suddaby, R. (2014). Editor's Comments: Why Theory? Academy of Management Review, 39, 407-411.

Notes on preparing your assignment:

• The text of the essay, not counting the reference list, should probably be between 1,000 and 1,500 words long. This is a guideline, and not strict requirement. If you are precise enough to do what you need to do in fewer words, that's fine. Likewise, if you need to go a bit longer that's fine. But excessively longer is likely to undermine the effect of your essay. Concision is important.

• The assignment requires you to write an academic essay which states your position and gives a convincing argument for why you are correct. Providing such an argument will require you to support your claims and to address the claims of those who think differently. • Proper citation of others' work is mandatory.

• The citations and reference list should be in APA format.

• Your score on the assignment will be based on the rubric that follows. Please read it carefully. The descriptions tell you what your essay needs to include.

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Focus: The essay (1) has a clear thesis, (2) is consistently focussed on developing that thesis, (3) is written in an engaging fashion, and (4) is concise without neglecting essential detail. The essay has three of the four qualities required for an excellent response. The essay has two of the four qualities required for an excellent response. The essay has only one of the four qualities required for an excellent response. The essay does not consistently have any of the four qualities of an excellent response.

Organization & structure: The essay (1) has a useful introduction, (2) shows coherence among points, (3) is easy to follow, and (4) has a satisfying conclusion that synthesizes the whole. The essay has three of the four qualities required for an excellent response. The essay has two of the four qualities required for an excellent response. The essay has only one of the four qualities required for an excellent response. The essay does not consistently have any of the four qualities of an excellent response.

Argumentation: The essay (1) takes a clear position on the matter under discussion, (2) addresses the arguments of both sides of the issue, (3) logically develops its argument and (4) provides compelling evidence and argument in support of its position. The essay has three of the four qualities required for an excellent response. The essay has two of the four qualities required for an excellent response. The essay has only one of the four qualities required for an excellent response. The essay does not consistently have any of the four qualities of an excellent response.

Grammar & format: There are no apparent grammatical or formatting errors. There are fewer than 4 grammatical or formatting errors. There are fewer than 7 grammatical or formatting errors. There are fewer than 11 grammatical or formatting errors. There are more than 10 grammatical or formatting errors.

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