What role peer pressure play in partaking in risky behaviors

Problem: Risky Online Behavior Grid

Sending personal information to strangers

Interacting with online strangers

Accepting strangers' requests to be friends or to communicate directly outside of a social network

Talking about highly personal topics with strangers

Ignoring privacy settings

Online harassment

Clicking on links or installing apps or software from unknown sources

• What motivates individuals to demonstrate risky behaviors in social media?

• What role does peer pressure play in partaking in risky behaviors?

• In your opinion, do the risks of social media on human interaction outweigh the benefits? Explain your response.

• Do risky social media behaviors indicate risky behaviors offline? Explain your response.

• Is one developmental stage or age group more at risk than others are, or are the risks simply different based on demographic and usage?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What role peer pressure play in partaking in risky behaviors
Reference No:- TGS03151615

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