What role has "race," "ethnicity," and "pan-ethnicity" played in the lives of Asian Americans (and Pacific Islanders) and in perpetuating this notion that Asian Americans (and Pacific Islanders) are "perpetual foreigners." Provide at least two historical instances *and* two legal cases that illustrate and concretize the perpetual foreigner status of Asian Americans (& Pacific Islanders).
How have the assimilation and internal colonialism models helped to (or not helped to) explain how and why Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders' "American-ness" (i.e. citizenship, legitimacy, etc.) have been questioned and challenged)? The questions, "Where are you from?" or "Wow! Why is your English so good? Where did you learn to speak English?" have a different meaning when asked, for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Elaborate on how the "perpetual foreigner" status and label inform and influence these kinds of questions being asked about APIs.