Topic: Science and Theology
1. Briefly explains the issue discussed in section 3.5; 2. Succinctly relates how this issue is a worldview issue; and 3. Provides a short but well reasoned argument supporting your own approach to the issue.
o Specifically answer the following questions in your essay:
1) In light of our discussion of the relationship between philosophy, science, and religion, as well as our discussion of worldviews, especially naturalism: What role does your worldview play in how you do science? Does it make a difference if you hold that there is a real God when you are seeking a cure for cancer, trying to find the true historical facts about the Kennedy assassination, or simply getting correct directions on your GPS?
2) Based on the discussion in this chapter, do you think it is legitimate to talk about or refer to God in a science class (biology, history, psychology, health science, counseling, etc.). Why? Give an argument. If you are currently taking a science class, or even majoring in a science, refer to that.