
What role does gabriel play is he simply a minor character


Fences Act One, Scene 1

1. In the Prologue to the play is a short verse by August Wilson, "When the sins of the fathers visit us/We do not have to play host." How are father-son relationships depicted in the play? Examine and comment on the relationships between Troy and Lyon, Troy and Cory, or Troy and his father. Which of these relationships is most troubled? Do you see love in these relationships?

2. What is your impression of Rose as a woman, wife, or mother? Is she a strong character or does she stand in Troy's dominating shadow?

3. What role does Gabriel play? Is he simply a minor character, the wounded, mentally disabled, loved brother-uncle, or does Wilson give him a more important role to play?

4. What are Troy's guiding values as a man and as a father? How has racism shaped his values?


Write a one-page essay of the reading prompts. The paper should have at least three paragraphs - an introduction, one or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The last sentence of the introduction should be your thesis statement. Italicize the thesis statement. Each paragraph must have an italicized topic sentence. Quote the text to support your arguments; provide analysis and commentary. Cite the play text and do a Works Cited page using MLA 8th edition.

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