
What role does critical reading play in your response to a

1.What role does critical reading play in your response to a particular text that you are reading?

2. Go to the UOP library and find a few journals in your area of academic interest.
In your post, include the journal name and an example research article from that journal.
Read the abstract and identify a few of the basic rhetorical components of the article.
For example:
Who do you think was the intended audience?
What was the author's perspective on the topic?
How was the information organized?
What was the author's style and tone?

3. AuthorLastName, FirstInitial (Year of textbook publication). Title of article italics. In textbook author(s). Title of textbook (page number(s) of article). PublisherLocation, PublisherName. (Original work published YEAR).

In this discussion, please be sure to refer to a specific article from Part 3 of the textbook. Your reactions to the article are welcome, as well as how well you think the author presented their arguments.

Some specific questions to help get you started:

What points of view did the author(s) use?

How do these points of view affect the credibility of the pieces?

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Other Subject: What role does critical reading play in your response to a
Reference No:- TGS02364783

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