
What role does collaboration have in implementing strategies

Imagine that this scenario happened in your organization and now your team has been assigned to the task force for the strategic planning committee (Scenario is below).

Caitlin is the office manager in a large private pediatric practice in the city. The physicians met and decided to switch all records to a laptop-based system where nurses and doctors will log all records in a laptop. All patient interactions, data, and records will be entered primarily into the laptop, and no hand-written records will be taken. Caitlin is asked to come up with a plan for the conversion. This office has 13 doctors, 10 nurses, and 2 physician's assistants that will all be using the laptops when evaluating patients. What should Caitlin consider in her conversion plan? How should patient questions be dealt with? What other concerns should Caitlin take into consideration when formulating her plan?

Create a presentation of 4 to 5 slides, including detailed speaker notes, for the strategic planning committee. Answer the following:

What role does collaboration have in implementing strategies in the health care industry?'

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English: What role does collaboration have in implementing strategies
Reference No:- TGS0547805

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