
What role does audit trail play in the task of confirmation


• Discuss the flow of cash through the transaction cycles.

• Discuss the role of the conversion cycle for service and retailing entities.

• Can a turn-around document contain information that is subsequently used as a source document? Why or why not?

• Discuss the relationship between the balance in the accounts payable general ledger control account between what is found in the accounts payable subsidiary IEGQEL

• What role does audit trail play in the task of confirmation?

• What is the most striking difference between the database model and the flat-file model?

• What is the database model?

• What is the purpose of DBMS?

• Flat files limit data integration Explain.

• What is an entity? "

• Distinguish between entity relationship diagrams and data flow diagrams.

• What is an audit trail? How important is this?

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Cost Accounting: What role does audit trail play in the task of confirmation
Reference No:- TGS03234925

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