What role do political parties play in the film - boys state

Assignment task: Watch the documentary Boys State (2020; 1h49m).

Please follow the instructions below carefully to ensure you earn maximum points. Your presentation must answer the two questions below:

1. More than 1,000 high school boys participate in the competition that is the feature of this film. Of these, there are four central characters focused upon most in the film (Steven Garza, Robert MacDougall, Ben Feinstein, and René Otero). If these four young men were on the ballot for an statewide elected office in Texas today, who would you vote for, and why? If you wouldn't vote for any of them, explain why.

2. What role do political parties play in the film?

3. How do the racial identities and personal experiences of each of the boys (Steven, René, Robert, and Ben) influence how they develop their platforms, decide on issues, and incorporate beliefs into their candidate speeches?

4. There are moments of overt racism against René in the film. How do we see racism used as a tactic in the film?

5. How do we see racist campaign tactics deployed in our current American and Texan political moment?

6. Does racial identity factor into how you participate in politics?

7. What political issues might compel different groups to engage differently in the democratic process?

8. How important is it that our elected officials reflect the racial demographics of the communities they represent?

9. What is the benefit, if any, of having more diverse representation in our political leadership?

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