
What role did the post-irca labor market play in dynamics

Assignment: Deviance and Race

Textbook: Categorically Unequal- The American Stratification System by Douglas S. Massey.


I. Discuss your thoughts on the excerpt and the greatest lesson you are taking away from the reading.

II. Connect three themes from this article and the film you viewed. Explain.

III. Discuss the racialization of Mexican Americans, how they were transformed into a subordinate and expanded into an exploitable class of people, and why they were not perceived as a threat early on in this nation's history.

IV. Discuss why the 1920's were so critical to the formation of the Mexican American community, how and why they became officially disposable workers, and what led to their formation as unofficially disposable workers.

V. Briefly summarize the Bracero Program and Operation Wetback and their aimed intentions, and discuss how each of these programs served to exacerbate undocumented Mexican migration into the U.S.

VI. Discuss how IRCA increased discrimination against Mexicans and transformed the hiring process. What role did the Post-IRCA labor market play in those dynamics?

VII. Discuss the factors that led to the postmodern racialization of Mexicans and why this phenomena occurred.

VIII. Examine Figure 4.2 and discuss what the figure is teaching us about the impacts of each of the programs/policies depicted in the figure.

IX. Examine Figure 4.3 and discuss what the figure is teaching us about legal immigrants, temporary workers, apprehensions, and deportations.

X. Examine Figure 4.5 and discuss what the figure is teaching us as well as its implications for Mexicans.

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