
What role did the police play if any


A. Choose an article about The overrepresentation of Indigenous people from either print or online versions of The Globe and Mail, The National Post or The Toronto Star etc. Local papers are also acceptable e.g.: Etobicoke Guardian etc. (reputable news sources). The article can be dated no earlier than September 2021.

B. Have a brief introduction and briefly summarize the issue addressed in the article.

C. At what stage (police, courts, corrections) of the criminal justice system did the article/case takes place?

D. Critical analysis: in light of the main theories, concepts and/or themes of criminology in Canada and the article and society's response. At a minimum, the essay must draw on at least four theories, concepts and/or themes.

E. Concluding reflections.

Things to consider:

1. Was 'justice' done? Does the Canadian public agree and why?

2. What role did the police play, if any? Do you think they did so effectively? does the media have and what is society's response?

3. Is the State doing enough to stop this type of crime? What role should the State play to prevent this type of crime?

4. What was the effect on the community? What do you think we can do to make our communities safer from this type of crime or rehabilitate offenders?

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