
What role did social class play in elliotts upbringing did

Questions -

1. What role did social class play in Elliott's upbringing? Did his social class indirectly play a role in his college choice?

2. Conduct a brief review of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU) literature. What does the literature suggest about these campus environments that make Black students feel like they matter? How do such environments promote psychosocial development?

3. How might the HBCU environment promote positive racial identity development?

4. Which of Chickering and Reisser's vectors could help inform the developmental issues that Elliott faced?

5. Elliott identifies as a cisgender man. What contributed to this gender identity and how would a fraternity support it?

6. Elliott faced a significant spiritual struggle following his car accident and the dissolution of his relationship with Vanessa. Though the struggle WAS difficult for him, how might he have benefitted developmentally as the result of the struggle?

7. When Elliott returned to campus, he found that the campus presented a disabling environment, ultimately making it difficult for him to navigate. How would you use the theories on disabilities and identities to implement spaces, programs and services to meet the needs of all students on campus?

8. Create a visual representation of Elliott's development. As you identify significant development moments, note the relevant theories that apply to his experiences.

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