
What role did distribution company play in spreading opioids


A. What are drug distributors and how many are there in the US? What role did the distribution companies play in spreading opioids across the US? How did the distributors go about "flooding" the market?

B. What role did elected politicians play?

C. Who should be held accountable for the epidemic?

D. What role does regulation play regarding "protecting" Americans and the opioid epidemic? Should the government continue deregulation of the distributor business or should tighter regulations be in place? Apply the policy framework and check to see how "well" the US did in identifying and addressing the problem (knowledge gathering, social context, technical skills, strategic thinking, and ethics). If the analytical tools were not applied to the opioid epidemic either well or not at all, why do you think that is?

E. What did Lenny do? Do you agree with what he did? What do you think the role of the DEA should be?

F. What are your thoughts on whether organizations used analytical tools to solve this and other social welfare problems?

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Other Subject: What role did distribution company play in spreading opioids
Reference No:- TGS03270550

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