1. Write a critique / review of the following paper.
2. Your critique should be as objective as possible: highlight what you consider to be its strongest and weakest aspects. Are themes discernible that would help one to "interpret" the document? What role can or will it play in the digital forensic science community? If you can uncover themes do you expect the effect of the paper to be aligned with its themes? Why (not)?
3. These assignments need to be properly supported with references to the scientific literature.
4. Use a 12pt font for the body of your assignment.
5. The assignment many be up to four (4) pages long, including any appendages (or cover pages, etc).
Paper - A Framework for Harmonizing Forensic Science Practices and Digital/Multimedia Evidence By Mark Pollitt, Eoghan Casey, David-Olivier Jaquet-Chiffelle and Pavel Gladyshev