
What rights of saras were violated by her supervisorwhat

1) Chapter 9 activity: Provide a typed response to questions on slides 14 & 15 of the Chapter 9 Powerpoint (answer questions after watching required video and reviewing Ch 9 slides)

Slide 14: Watch the video with Stephanie (the supervisor) and Sara (the supervisee)

• What rights of Sara's were violated by her supervisor?

• What should Sara do in this situation?

• If Sara doesn't address her rights that are being violated, what are some potential consequences?

Slide 15: Watch the 2nd half of this video with an example of what a good supervisor should do.

• What did you notice was helpful?

2) Chapter 9 activity: Provide a typed response to questions on slide 23 of Ch. 9 PPT (watch video on slide 22 first)

• What ethical responsibilities is this supervisee not meeting?

• This supervisee seems overwhelmed with responsibilities- what should he discuss with his supervisor?

• If you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or having a tough time in life and it's detracting from your ability to counsel effectively, what should you do?

3) Chapter 10: Review Chapter 10 Powerpoint. Open the file "Ch 10-Activities" in Blackboard. Type your responses to all five activities on the activity sheet. Please clearly label each activity.

Chapter 10 Class Activities

#1- Counseling Theory

Discuss your personal theory of counseling. Make sure to include the following in your discussion:

• What theory (or theories) do you see yourself using? (use list on pages 379-381 to help you recall some of the foundational counseling theories)

• Consider:

o your views on goal-setting

o how you believe change happens

o focus on past, present, future

o level of directiveness

• Does your theory has research to support its use in therapy?

• What will you take into consideration when implementing your approach? Consider the multicultural application of your approach.

Be prepared to explain your theoretical approach to clients in 3 minutes or less. If you draw from multiple theories, explain these theories and how you integrate them.

#2- Diagnosis

In class we will have a discussion on different views of diagnosis, assessment, and the medical model.

Helping professions have general views on these topics, but it's up to you to develop your own view based on what you're learning (e.g., family therapy= systemic perspective, clinical psychology= medical model; counseling= wellness/strengths based model).

Also keep in mind that you may hold a view now that will be modified as you gain more counseling experience.

What is your perspective on diagnosis? Use the following number system and write your number nice and big on a piece of paper:

1- Diagnosis is essential in counseling and I will use it with all of my clients.

2- Diagnosing clients is usually helpful in counseling and I will likely use it with most of my clients.

3- Diagnosis can be harmful, but I may use it at times (with caution).

4- I will avoid using diagnosis at all costs because I see it as detrimental more often than it is helpful.

Find someone with a different number than your own (if possible). Review the Kress et al. article under the Week 6 folder in Blackboard. What are best practices for using diagnosis with clients? Be prepared to bring questions and discussion points back to the large class discussion.

#3- Case Example: Diagnosis

Discuss the following case with a peer:

Irma has just accepted her first position as a counselor in a community agency. An agency policy requires her to conduct an intake interview with each client, determine a diagnosis, and establish a treatment plan-all in the first session. Once a diagnosis is established, clinicians have a maximum of five more sessions with a given client.

After 3 weeks, she lets a colleague know that she is troubled by this timetable. Her colleague reassures her that what she is doing is acceptable and that the agency's aim is to satisfy the requirements of the HMO. Irma does not feel reassured and cannot justify making an assessment in so short a time.

• Do you share Irma's concern? Are there ethical difficulties with this agency's policies?

• Is it justified to provide a person with a diagnosis mainly for the purpose of obtaining third-party payment? Explain.

• If Irma retains her convictions, is she ethically obliged to discontinue her employment at this agency? What other alternatives, if any, do you see for her situation?

• In the course of a client's treatment, if the original diagnosis no longer applies, would you continue to use that diagnosis simply because your client wishes to see you?

#4- Evidence-Based Therapy Practice

Empirically supported treatments (EST) are becoming more prevalent and some people believe evidence-based practices (EBP) are an essential part of counseling in today's society.

As with the use of diagnosis in counseling, there are also pros and cons to using EST/EBP in counseling.

We are going to hold a friendly debate in class. If you had to pick one stance- either for or against EBP, which would you choose?

Dr. Wilkins will divide up the classroom and each side will be given a turn to discuss their stance on different topics including:

• How is using/not using EBP more ethical?

• How is identifying lists of EBP for certain disorders helpful to clients/not helpful to clients?

• Are EBP better/worse for clients in terms of time-limited counseling?

• How do you manage the counseling relationship in light of your stance (for/against EBP)?

• Are there situations when you might take the opposite stance on this topic?

• What are some things to keep in mind regarding your stance on EBP? For example, what would you remind counselors taking this stance to remember?

#5- Interview Questions

Prepare your responses to the following sample interview questions for a counseling position. Try to keep your answers to the point, but also long enough to explain your answers clearly.

1) This question is about your personal counseling approach. What theory or theories do you use in your work as a counselor? Why do you find these beneficial?

2) What is your view on goal setting when working with clients/students?

3) Diagnosis & assessment question:

a. How do you view the role of diagnosis and assessment in your treatment planning process? (Community)

b. How do you view the role of diagnosis and assessment in your work as a school counselor/college counselor? (School/Higher Ed)

4) How will you take culture into consideration in your work with clients/students?

5) Do you plan to use psychological tests as part of the assessment process?

6) What is your view on evidence-based practices when developing a treatment/counseling plan for a client?

If time, practice role playing with a peer and answering these questions professionally and thoughtfully!

4) Chapter 12: Type responses to discussion questions on slides 14, 15, & 34 of Ch. 12 PPT.

Slide 14:

1. Does your master's in counseling degree alone make you qualified to lead groups?

2. Are there group counseling topics where you'd definitely want to seek additional training?

3. Why is multicultural knowledge so important for leading groups? What can you do to better prepare yourself to work with diverse groups?

4. Is it ethically acceptable to individually counsel someone and also counsel them in a group? If no, why not? If yes, what problematic situations could arise and how could you avoid these?

5. Is it ethically appropriate to mandate group counseling? Why or why not?

Slide 15:

6. How should confidentiality be addressed in a group setting?

7. Is screening group members essential? Why or why not?

8. Is it ethically acceptable to ask someone to leave a group? How should this be handled?

9. What are necessary topics to cover in the first session of a group?

10. Are ground rules for groups essential? If used, how should group rules be addressed?

Slide 34:

Get into groups of 3-4

Imagine you are leading a general personal growth group that will meet for 8 weeks. The group is voluntary and closed.

Discuss the following:

1) What would you do to screen and select group members (see pages 442-443)?

2) What would you discuss with the group during the 1st group session to prepare them for what the group will be like (see pages 444-446)?

5) Chapter 13: Do activity on slide 17 of the Ch. 13 PPT.

Get in groups of 3-4

You are a group of counselors who share similar passions about some social justice issue of your choice

Look for state and community resources that might help you gain momentum on working towards improving the community/system for an underserved population

Come up with a few ideas for how you could serve in a social justice role. Your ideas can be on both a small level and a larger level.

Identify the type of service (slide 4) and the type of social justice role (slide 8)

In your answer also integrate the ACA Advocacy Competencies (see next slide)

Slide 4- Types of services

1. Direct community services:

Preventive education

2. Indirect community service:

Influencing policymakers

3. Direct client services:

Focuses on outreach activities

4. Indirect client services:

Client advocacy

Slide 8- Type of social justice role

Change agent




Facilitator of indigenous support systems

Facilitator of indigenous healing systems

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