
What rights does the declaration of independence express


1. Which of these statements about the Cuban Missile Crisis is true?
A. Fidel Castro's government had manufactured guided missiles.
B. Nikita Khrushchev wished to goad Kennedy into invading Cuba and starting a war.
C. President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis.
D. President Kennedy called Nikita Khrushchev on the hotline.

2. Which of the following individuals can become a naturalized citizen?
A. Anyone born in a United States possession, as long as one parent is a citizen of the United States
B. Anyone born outside the United States to parents who are both citizens of the United States
C. Anyone born outside the United States to parents who aren't citizens of the United States
D. Anyone born inside the United States

3. Among third-party candidates, which one is thought to have split the conservative vote in a recent election?
A. Ralph Nader
B. John Edwards
C. Pat Buchanan
D. Ross Perot

4. What is the term utilized when union workers refuse to work due to contractual disagreements?
A. Strike
B. Sunshine law
C. Labor law violation
D. WPA Act

5. You don't really approve of the idea of political parties. However, you're known as a Federalist and are soon associated with that party. Chances are good that your name is
A. Abraham Lincoln.
B. George Washington.
C. James Madison.
D. Thomas Jefferson.

6. In general, you would expect the platform of a political party to
A. lead to a national convention.
B. guide the political issues of the party's candidate.
C. determine the outcome of a general election.
D. consist of party leaders called planks.

7. By tradition, when does the presidential campaign begin?
A. When a candidate is officially nominated at the national convention
B. With the New Hampshire primary
C. After a candidate has gained enough electoral votes in the primaries
D. In September, following the national convention

8. The largest proportion of federal revenues comes from
A. social insurance taxes.
B. borrowing.
C. excise taxes.
D. personal income taxes.

9. If you were a specialist working for the National Security Agency, your main job would likely be
A. analyzing data from spy satellites.
B. electronic surveillance.
C. working in the field to carry out covert operations.
D. analyzing and breaking coded messages.

10. Regarding use of the media, spin can best be defined as
A. meaningless arguments.
B. deliberately fabricating information.
C. arguments based on emotion rather than reason.
D. casting a positive light on negative facts.

11. A war in Mexico would be under the _______ Command.
A. Northern
B. Southern
C. Pacific
D. Central

12. Under the _______ Amendment, you have the right to know the charges brought against you and to question witnesses who bring evidence against you.
A. Sixth
B. Fifth
C. First
D. Second

13. Which of the following federal law enforcement agencies does not operate under the Department of the Treasury?
A. The Secret Service
B. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
C. Investigative Division for Counterfeiting and Forgery
D. The Division of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)

14. A primary source for getting specific information on a particular bill is
A. the Congressional Record.
B. your state representative.
C. the Constitution.
D. Washington daily newspapers.

15. To become a citizen of the United States, you must
A. file a request form in a federal court.
B. have lived in the United States for at least six months.
C. pass an English and government test.
D. be at least 21 years old.

16. Which one of the following political interest groups falls into the organized labor category?
A. National Broadcasting Corporation
B. American Rifle Association
C. National Audubon Society
D. National Education Association

17. What rights does the Declaration of Independence express?
A. Legal rights of citizens
B. The right to remain silent when interrogated by police
C. Human rights of citizens, including life and liberty
D. The right to citizenship

18. During the Cold War, the United States foreign policy of containment consisted of
A. wars and mutual assured destruction.
B. deterrence and covert operations.
C. wars and covert operations.
D. deterrence and mutual assured destruction.

19. Under the Constitution of the United States, you may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without
A. due respect for law.
B. being charged with a crime.
C. due process of law.
D. being suspected of a crime.

20. New London, Connecticut, is the location of the
A. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
B. Air Force Academy.
C. Coast Guard Academy.
D. Naval Command Center

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Microeconomics: What rights does the declaration of independence express
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