
What right to privacy an employee should enjoy at work


Currently, workplace privacy is a very hot topic and it continues to be a contentious issue because technology is outpacing the law. New technologies for communication and new technologies for surveillance go beyond what the law has previously addressed.

Q1. Explain what right to privacy you believe an employee should enjoy at work.

Q2. Describe what right to surveillance a company should have in watching over employees it is paying and property it owns.

Note: If you are not in management or do not own a company, consider what rights you would want for surveillance with regards to a nanny you hired to watch your child in your home.

The hardest ethical dilemmas to decide are ones that involve competing rights. Explain where you would draw the line with regards to workplace privacy.

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Other Management: What right to privacy an employee should enjoy at work
Reference No:- TGS01783066

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