1. What revisions did you make to your lyric essay based on the feedback peers gave to you during Workshop and your own ideas for the lyric essay?
2. What lyric essay structure or combination of structures did you try out for your Revised Lyric essay? Why this structure or these structures? Reminder about lyric essay structures: braided essay, fragmented (collage) essay, hermit-crab essay, series of prose poems, combination of structures, multimedia lyric essay.
3. How well did you use the lyric essay structure or combination of structures you chose? Explain.
4. What elements of creative nonfiction did you use effectively in your revision lyric essay? Consider how well you used reflection, characterization, setting, writing in scenes, real life, reading, imagery/description, figurative language, etc.
5. What elements of creative nonfiction could use some fleshing out, clarification, etc. in your revised lyric essay? Why?