
What respiratory condition do you suspect

Problem: You and your partner arrive on scene at 23:32 to a residence where you find an elderly male patient in his bedroom complaining of coughing, feeling suffocated, and having cold sweats. His current vitals are CAOx4; RR 24/shallow/labored; Lung Sounds are diminished in the lower lobes with crackles; SPO2 84%; PR 128/strong/regular; B/P 100/60. Patient stated he was asleep when he had a sudden attack of respiratory distress.

1. What respiratory condition do you suspect this patient is having, and why?

2. If you suspect your patient may have (what you have listed above). What question(s) can you ask relating to the patient's sleep habits?

3. What is it called when a patient is not able to breathe while lying down?

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Other Subject: What respiratory condition do you suspect
Reference No:- TGS03423382

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