What resources could have assisted jonahs behavioral problem


We are learning about Code of Ethics.

1. After reading the Case of Jonah and Destiny, read the NOHS Code of Ethics as it relates to case management services. Then post what you believe are ethical violations in provision of services within this case.

2. What resources could've assisted Jonah's behavioral problem?

3. What resources could've assisted Destiny's Foster Mother with reconsidering adopting Jonah?

CASE of Jonah and Destiny

Jonah is a 12 year old boy who is a CHINS (child in need of services) who resides in a group home. Jonah had been in several foster homes and one pre adoptive home before being placed in the group home. He has an older sister (Destiny age 15) who is also a CHINS. Jonah has not seen his sister for two years. Both children were taken out of their mother's care four years ago after she was arrested along with her boyfriend for manufacturing meth. According the records his mother denied any knowledge of what her boyfriend was doing. Mother was court ordered to undergo substance abuse treatment. The mother checked herself out of treatment AMA (against medical advice) and has not been heard from since. The Family Case Manager (FCM) attempted to locate the mother but could not and filed a TPR (termination of parental rights) within a year of the children being removed.

Jonah was supposed to have visitation with Destiny at least monthly but that has not happened for almost two years. The FCM (family case manager) wants to find adoptive placements for both Jonah and Destiny but with Jonah's multiple placements and behavior issues he is difficult to place.

Destiny likes her current foster mother, Carol Jones, and would like to stay with her. But also wants to be reunited with her brother. Carol is a single 45 year old woman who teaches 4th grade. Carol has expressed an interest in adopting Destiny but does not feel she has the ability to deal with Jonah. The FCM is very fond of both children but thinks they are better off being placed in separate homes. She is concerned if they are placed together they will ruminate on their good- for-nothing mother and try to find her.

Jonah is an attractive boy who has sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and looks much younger than his stated age. Jonah has many behavior issues. He has been physically aggressive with other children as well as adults. He has run away from several schools and foster homes. The last foster home he was in he is accused of stealing money, food and jewelry. He was placed in a pre-adoptive home in August of this year but that placement only lasted three weeks due to Jonah running away. He was found at Wal-Mart at 2a.m. in a town about 30 miles away. The FCM has not placed any information about the running away or the stealing in his chart due to being concerned that if this information was in his file he was be even harder to place in an adoptive home.

She placed a photo of Jonah on "Wednesday's child" a webpage for children who are eligible for adoption but more difficult to place due to their age, emotional or physical needs. She did not place Destiny's photo due to Carol Jones expressing an interest in adopting her.

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