
What resources are required to sustain current consumption

Q1. What resources are required to sustain  current consumption of (a) food, (b) transportation needs, (c) household energy use, and (d) disposing your waste (solid waste, chemical waste, and sewerage).

Q2. Indicate anything that you use or consume regularly that might not be sustainable, and explain why. Explanations could include a specific type of resource depletion or a specific harmful impact on land, habitat, water or air quality.

Q3. How do your impacts regarding food consumption, resource use, waste production and pollution probably compare with the average person globally? Do you feel you should be concerned about this question? Why or why not?

Q4. What do you think your minimum consumption requirements would be for a sustainable, happy, and healthy life? How much would you be willing to give up? Consider food, transportation and household fuel and energy use, water use (direct and indirect), plastic packaging and other purchases requiring significant resource use or waste disposal.

Q5. If the people around you use more resources and produce more waste than can be sustained (such that it is likely that the next generation would suffer severe hardship), should they be compelled to use less, for instance, by severe luxury taxation, or even criminal penalties. Why or why not?


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Science: What resources are required to sustain current consumption
Reference No:- TGS03415978

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