
What recommentations for change can you suggest

Your new client has a computerized accounting system for all financial statement cycles. During planning, you visisted with the IT vice president and learned that personnnel in information systems are assigned to one fo four departments: systems programming, applications programming, operations, or data control. Job tasks are specific to the individual and no responsibilities overlap with other departments. Hardwood Lumber relies on the operating system software to restrict online access to individuals. The operating system allows an employee with "READ" capabilities to only view the contens fo the program or file. "CHANGE" allows the employee to update the contens fo the program or file. "RUN" allows the employee to use a program to prcess data. Programmers, both systems and applications, are restricted to a READ-only access ta all live application software program files but have READ and CHANGE capabilities for test copies of those software program files. Operators have READ and RUN capabilities for live applications programs. Data control clerks have CHANGE access to data files only and no access to software program files. The persn in charge of operations maintains access to the operating software security features and is responsible for assigning access rights to individuals. The computer room is locked and requires a card-key to access the room. Only aperations staff have a card-key to access the room, and security cameras monitor access. A TV screen is in the information systems vice president's office to allow periodinc monitoring oa access. The TV presnent the live picture and no tape record is maintanied. The librarian, who is int he operations department, is responsible for maininaning the library of program tapes and files. The librarian has READ and CHANGE access rights to program tapes an dfiles. The files, when not being used, are stored in shelves located in a roon adjacent t the computer room. They are filed numerically based on the tape label physically attached to the outside of the tape cartridge to allow for easy identification by operator as they access tapes from the shelves for processing.

What recommentations for change can you suggest to improve Harwood's informaton systems function.?

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Accounting Basics: What recommentations for change can you suggest
Reference No:- TGS0708862

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